August 14, 2007

No funding from NACO, UP AIDS project in trouble

The project was initiated to involve more and more HIV-positive people in state. But the Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GIPA) project may now face trouble. The National Aids Control Society (NACO) has not released any funds for the programme for this year, which has not only created problems for the State AIDS Control unit but also for the AIDS victims working with the project.

Senior officials of the UPSACS say that following no budget from NACO, they may find it difficult to continue with the programme. The GIPA was initiated following NACO guidelines of 2006. The idea was to rope in the positives for counselling and working as support groups. The positives had welcomed the project. A large number of positives were appointed as peer counselors.

But since April, the peer counsellors have not been paid. According to the Uttar Pradesh Network of Positive People, most of these counsellors need the salaries to survive. It pays not only for food but also their medicines and treatment.
(source :

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