April 20, 2007

Society Should Be Involved in HIV/Aids Combat

Angolan Minister of Youths and Sports, José Marcos Barrica considered Thursday that the combat to HIV/Aids should involve the whole society and stop being isolated as it has been until this moment.

The official was speaking at the opening of the Colloquy on HIV, in the light of the preparations of Afrobasket/2007, adding that remaining indifferent towards the Aids outbreak is totally legitimating the silent death of thousands of citizens, accepting the perpetuation of the dependence and underdevelopment of the country, in particular, and of the continent, in general.
"For the common cause of everyone, you are called to fight as a single army against the enemy (Aids)'s sudden advance", he stressed.

According to Marcos Barrica, social events that assemble large numbers of people, such as the "Afrobasket (African Nations Basketball Tournament)" should be considered as important moment of training, informing and sensitising citizens and the community on the dangers of the spread of Aids involving sportsmen in special.

In the Youth and Sports Minister's view, with the colloquy, which reveals the social side of sports, Angolan youths and sportsmen will feel more committed to the cause, becoming true soldiers of the fight against HIV/Aids.

Speaking about the topic "Epidemiological Situation" of HIV in the World, in Africa and in Angola, the Deputy Minister of Sports, José Van-Dúnem revealed that from 2006 until the current date, health authorities control 24,000 registered cases with a prevalence of two percent.

"Thus, we should combat the disease, and peoples' idols such as basketball players are great agents in the fight against Aids, that is why they should be informed.

On the other hand, the official informed that although the country has a prevalence of two percent there are regions in the country with 10 percent like Cunene province, the reason he considered the divulging of information to the all population as an essential measure. The tournament, to be held next August, will have "The fight against HIV/Aids" as the main motto.

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